Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Wizard

I have observed by watching a lot of TV that wizards are portrayed as old bearded men with pointy hat. I feel that it is a stereotype which was formed after Disney's Fantasia was shown to the world. I wanted to show that all wizards are not meant to be portrayed as such 'so many times'! This is why I made the wizard in my own way.
Dark Rider

Though it may seem very similar to those characters in Lord of the Rings, this sketch was not made with that in mind. Actually, I wanted to make a horse, just to prove to myself that I could. I made the horse but the drawing looked incomplete, so I added the hooded character. 
This sketch has no name. It was made without thinking and therefore has no meaning. I felt really impatient at the time as I wanted to draw something... anything. This is what came up. Even though it was so randomly made i'm still putting it up because I liked the way it looked.
Acrylic on canvas painting of a cowboy. Made from memory, this painting has become one of my favorites. I wanted to focus more on the cowboy, which is why he looks so detailed.  
Acrylic on canvas painting of a tiger. I tried to mimic the Bengali style of painting. It seemed appropriate as it was a Bengal tiger. This was made from memory and was not taken from any magazine, photo or any other source. I enjoyed making this, so I hope everyone else enjoys it too.
Life and Death
Acrylic on canvas painting of a cliff side. The water represents Life with its waves symbolizing the 'ups and downs' in our lives. The leafless tree represents Death. It is no longer part of the living, yet it can never be forgotten by its living companion.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Spiderman, Spiderman,
Does whatever a spider can,
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies,
Look Out!
Here comes the Spiderman.