Wednesday, March 9, 2011

PURPLE HAZE: This is one of my many 'experiments'. I really wanted to use the charcoal and chalk combo at least once in my life, so I made this. Please comment on it if you have something nice to say. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This was inspired by ..........................nothing! Actually I just wanted to prove to myself that I could paint using watercolour. I had first painted the background and then stopped there. The background alone looked so good that I didn't want to add anything else for fear of ruining it. Two days later, i still had no clue of what I should do. I went to my sister but she was no help to me, then I went to my mom and "Voila!" Hence the ship.
The End.

This work of mine was inspired by the Linkin Park 'catalyst' music video. I loved the way it was presented, so I was compelled to draw it.